“What is promised is owed!”
Today we launch our mobile application update, with version 1.7.0, previously indicated in our Roadmap. This is one of biggest updates to our app.
What’s new in the TejTips app?
- In addition to the languages already supported, Portuguese and English, we now also support French and Spanish. The language is automatically applied as per the device language.
- End of the FREE and PREMIUM tips concepts. ALL TIPS ARE AVAILABLE, but some are considered “open” and others “closed”. The “open” ones are the ones you can see right on the home screen (football/soccer and basketball), while the “closed” ones are the tips that are inside each game and can be viewed in 3 different ways (you choose!):
- Viewing an advertisement;
- Subscribing to our “Full Access” package, where you can view all tips (open and closed) and there are no ads in the application;
- Using virtual currencies: from now on, instead of using ads to view “closed” tips or instead of subscribing to our “Full Access” package to have access to all tips, you can choose to purchase virtual currencies and just use them in the matches you are most interested in. This gives you immediate access to the tips and usage to your liking, debiting only coins according to your interest.
- New alert system – alerts are now more “friendly”.
- Possibility to share matches – now you can share any match with your friends and if they have the app they will be automatically redirected to the match.
- Search – this new version provides a screen that allows you to search by your favorite team, competition and even by date.
- Markets have been updated and are available in 4 languages.
- New backgrounds in featured matches.
- Optimized dark mode.
- Performance and appearance improvements.
What are you waiting for?! Download now and follow us daily in our application!
Also follow us on our Telegram Channel and Instagram.